Powerlifting - The Three Disciplines.
The lift starts with the lifter standing erect and the bar loaded with weights resting on the lifter's shoulders. At the referee's command the lift begins. The lifter bends his knees and lowers him into a squatting position with the hips slightly below parallel position. The lifter returns to an erect position. At the referees command the bar is returned to the rack and the lift is completed.
With his or her back resting on the bench, the lifter takes the loaded bar at arm's length. At the referee's command the powerlifter lowers the bar to the chest. On the chest the bar must be hold motionless until the referee give the "press" signal. The powerlifter pushes the weight up until the arms are straight and the elbows locked. Then the referee will call 'rack' and the lift is completed as the weight is returned to the rack.
The Deadlift is often described as the king of the powerlifting disciplines. In the Deadlift the athlete grasps the loaded bar which is resting on the platform floor. The Powerlifter pulls the weights off the floor and assumes a standing erect position. The knees must be locked and shoulders back with the weight held in the lifters' grip. At the referees command the bar will be returned to the floor under the control of the lifter.