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Dear British Powerlifting member,

My name is Lee Cumbers, I'm a researcher at the University of Essex. We are currently conducting a study: 'Examining the Role of Personal Ethics in Athlete and Stakeholder Perceptions of Anti-Doping'.

Information about the study : 

Essentially, we are looking to understand the moral development of athletes and stakeholders surrounding performance enhancing drug (PED) usage. Therefore, obtaining information from athletes who may be covertly using (or have used) PEDs would provide us with the best possible insight. We understand the sensitivity of this subject and want to disclose that you will remain completely anonymous if you choose to participate.

We are taking a two pronged approach to data collection in the form of an online questionnaire and a semi-structured interview.

DISCLAIMER: You WILL remain completely anonymous if you choose to participate in either data collection method. We are bound by the Law and the University Ethical Protocol to maintain participant anonymity.

The online survey consists of series of questions surrounding the moral premise/ideologies of PED usage in sport. Followed by an Implicit Association Test: Online Survey

All essential information is listed prior to starting the survey, just click the link and complete the form. It will take between 20-30 minutes to complete.

The semi-structured interviews will be conducted by myself and/or Dr John Mills (Lead Researcher). It will consist of questions regarding the moral reasoning behind PED usage. The interview will take between 20-40 minutes to complete and will be done through Zoom or an equivocal application. You will not appear on camera and your name with be anonymised.

If you are interested in participating in an interview or would like more information, please contact me via email or phone:

Email: OR

Phone: +447852223138

We would really appreciate your co-operation and participation in our data collection process.

Kind regards,

Lee Cumbers MSc & Dr John Mills

University of Essex

British Powerlifting is the only UK powerlifting organisation that has a fully WADA compliant anti-doping programme, which is independently administered by the IPF. All of our anti-doping testing is carried out at our own expense. Elite GB lifters are selected by the IPF for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool (RT) along with 144 lifters in the Testing Pool and National Testing Pool. All are subject to Out of Competition Testing (OCT). Read More >