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Guidelines for our championships to ensure COVID-19 safety are now on the website and will be enforced at all events until further notice. Please see COVID-19 Championships Guidelines 

Membership Survey

We are developing a strategy to attract sponsors and as part of this we would like to get members' views. A survey has been prepared, which we hope as many members as possible will spend the short time required to complete and submit. Here is the link to the survey  and many thanks in advance for your responses.  

Sponsorship and Scholarship Officer

The closing date for applications for this position has been extended to October 9th. 

British Powerlifting is the only UK powerlifting organisation that has a fully WADA compliant anti-doping programme, which is independently administered by the IPF. All of our anti-doping testing is carried out at our own expense. Elite GB lifters are selected by the IPF for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool (RT) along with 144 lifters in the Testing Pool and National Testing Pool. All are subject to Out of Competition Testing (OCT). Read More >