We closed 2016 membership 31st October with yet another record year. We finished in excess of 3000 members, with all areas showing significant increases. 2017 intake has got off to a good start with a steady flow of new members and renewals and a total of over 500 already. A reminder that if you change your email address please let the Membership registrar know as correct details are needed for championships entry and membership renewal. Also, if you apply and elect to pay by cheque and this is not received within two weeks, your application will be disapproved.
Marc Giles has decided to stand down as Bench Press Team Manager after several years in the post. We would like to thanks Marc for all his hard work and dedication, he will be hard to replace. Anyone who is interested in taking on this job should contact the Chief Exec.
We carried out 10 each at the Men's and Women's British Classic Championships, which were all negative. A further 14 were done at the British Juniors, again all negative. Four tests at YNE championships, all negative. Three tests at Scottish Junior Championships and two were negative. Three tests at NIPF Autumn competition and two came back negative.
The following members have been banned:
Alistair Anderson - Scottish Junior Championships, presence of norandrosterone. A four year suspension imposed effective from October 18th 2016.
Matthew Doyle - test refusal at NIPF Autumn Advance competition 15th October 2016. A four year suspension imposed effective from October 21st 2016.
Lifters are reminded that a test refusal carries the same penalty as a positive.
British Powerlifting is the only UK powerlifting organisation that has a fully WADA compliant anti-doping programme, which is independently administered by the IPF. All of our anti-doping testing is carried out at our own expense. Elite GB lifters are selected by the IPF for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool (RT) along with 144 lifters in the Testing Pool and National Testing Pool. All are subject to Out of Competition Testing (OCT). Read More >