Our data handling on the web-site has been reviewed in the light of the recent introduction of GDPR. A new privacy notice has therefore been added to the footer of the Home Page. In addition, several changes are being made to the way information is handled on the web-site. These include automatically unchecking the Competition and News preference boxes for any member who has not renewed by 31st March each year.
Alan Timlin was selected for drug testing at the Scottish Eastern Districts Championships 10th February 2018 and his urine sample showed the presence of 19-noraandrosterone, trenbolone and its metabolite epitrenbolone and anastrozole (S4), which are prohibited substances. He is therefore banned for a period of four years effective from 3rd April 2018.
Graeme Lamont was selected for drug testing at the Scottish Eastern Districts Championships 10th February 2018 and his urine sample showed the presence of stanozolol and phenylbutane, which are prohibited substances. He is therefore banned for a period of four years effective from 3rd April 2018.
Alex Spiers was selected for drug testing at the NW Novice Competition on 13th January 2018 and his urine sample showed the presence of hydroxyanastrozole, 17-epitrenbolone and 1,3-dimethylbutylamine, which are prohibited substances. He is therefore banned for a period of four years effective from 3rd April 2018.
Roman Adamski was selected for drug testing at the British Classic Bench Press Championships 18th February 2018 and your urine sample showed the presence of tamoxifen metabolite 3-hydroxy-4-methoxy-tamoxifen, which is a prohibited substance. He is therefore banned for a period of four years effective from 3rd April 2018.
Communications Director
As per the new Board Structure agreed at the AGM, we are now seeking applications from suitable qualified members to take overall responsibility for all aspects of British Powerlifting communication. For detailed requirements see Role Description Communications Director
If you are interested in applying for this post please send your CV and supporting letter to the CEO not later than July 31st 2018.
Head Coach Masters Classic
Sergei Licis has decided to step down from this post and we would like to thank him for all his hard work during his tenure. We therefore invite applications from anyone interested in taking on this important job, which should be sent to the CEO by 13th July 2018. Requirements can be viewed here Head Coach Duties
British Powerlifting is the only UK powerlifting organisation that has a fully WADA compliant anti-doping programme, which is independently administered by the IPF. All of our anti-doping testing is carried out at our own expense. Elite GB lifters are selected by the IPF for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool (RT) along with 144 lifters in the Testing Pool and National Testing Pool. All are subject to Out of Competition Testing (OCT). Read More >