British Powerlifting would like to wish all its members a very happy Festive Season and Best Wishes for a successful New Year on and off the platform.
We have received three applications for the Senior Head Coach position and five for the Junior appointment. The Senior Head Coach will be decided early January followed by the Junior Head Coach, for which the views of the Senior Head Coach will be taken into account.
Dan Ferrett was tested at the British Men's Classic Championships 22nd October 2017 and his urine sample was found to contain stanozolol which is a prohibited substance under the WADA Code (S1.1 Anabolic Agents). He is therefore banned for a period of four years effective from 3rd December 2017.
Stuart Hamilton was tested at the 2016 World Classic Bench Press Championships and his urine sample tested positive for testosterone/one of the adiols. He has therefore been banned by the IPF and hence British Powerlifting, until 6th December 2020.
British Powerlifting is the only UK powerlifting organisation that has a fully WADA compliant anti-doping programme, which is independently administered by the IPF. All of our anti-doping testing is carried out at our own expense. Elite GB lifters are selected by the IPF for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool (RT) along with 144 lifters in the Testing Pool and National Testing Pool. All are subject to Out of Competition Testing (OCT). Read More >